Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Consider getting a gym membership at a place like a YMCA and make sure you can get access to a sauna 1 to 4 times a week, gradually you can work it up to 4 - 6 times a week, using a sauna regularly is they key to detoxification (these steps have to be taken slowly and mindfully.) It's important NOT to detoxify your body too fast, start slowly, always listen to your body. When you detoxify the body you may experience symptoms of the HEALING CRISIS and possible die off of yeast. Die off symptoms can me mild to severe depending on your individual toxic load. Staying in a sauna too long can lead to severe dehydration, weakness and dizziness and lightheadedness, you could even pass out if you are not careful. Bring a ring a family member or a friend with you the first few times, and you can experience the cleansing and share it with someone you care about. Please keep in mind that using a sauna will make you loose water weight, so it will naturally make you loose weight, it’s very important to make sure you stay hydrated. Maybe bring a glass bottle of spring water with you to the sauna (avoid using plastic bottles) or make a juice from herbs and veggies that grow in your garden and drink it in the sauna from a glass jar. Please take the dehydration advice seriously, it's important to stay hydrated. When you sweat in a relaxed state heavy metals, radioactive particles and environmental toxins naturally can leave the body through your skin. It's important that your body is in a relaxed state and hydrated when you are eliminating toxins from the body. I would recommend about 15 – 20  minutes at the most for a sauna per session basically until you get a sweat going, start easy maybe once or twice a week and work your way up to 3 - 4 times a week. I personally like to stay in there for one hour. This is how I would do it, please follow the advice below.

Skin Brush before a Sauna or Steam Room

Learn about the difference between a Sauna and a Steam Room at the following Link: www.livestrong.com/article/118790-health-reasons-saunas

The following video will help you learn about the benefits of skin brushing and activating the lymphatic system to help your body naturally detoxify your body.

Video example of dry brushing the skin by Nadine Artemis: www.youtube.com/watch?v=deYHloyM9u8

After exercising use a sauna and stay in the sauna until you have a solid sweat going. Bring wild spring water or a green juice into the sauna that you made yourself from your favorite fresh herbs and vegetables found in your garden or your local farm (investing in a blender or a juicer is ideal). Natural spring water bottled in glass is also a great way to stay hydrated, but true hydration comes from wild water your local spring.

Find your own spring and be sure to test the water at the following website created by Danial Vitalis: www.FindaSpring.com
Mariana Roberts drinking Delicious Fresh from the Earth Spring Water.

I prefer NOT to Drink out of PVC Pipes because they can leach chemicals into the water, unfortunately it was a long drive and I discovered this spring had a PVC pipe. PVC vinyl contains a Phthalate called DEHP that effects stages of development on the human reproductive system. DEHP is used in medical devices like intravenous tubing, catheters and blood bags. DEHP can leach from the vinyl ending up in the bodies of children and adults.

Then skin brush again in the shower afterward with a cold water shower followed by a hot shower for as long as you can handle the rotation from hot to cold! After a sauna it's important to close the pores tightly back up with a cold shower, not ice cold but cold enough to close them, it's also great exercise for your skin to keep it nice and tight, but it's not for everyone, some people may not be able to handle the transition from hot to cold.

You want to make sure your pores are tight so you are not exposing yourself to environmental toxins that are floating around in the air after using a sauna, this is why i recommend taking a cold shower after the sauna. Closing the pores after a sauna is important; yes we still do breathe in environmental toxins every time we take a breath, it's honestly unavoidable because we live in a very polluted world, but it's best to limit our exposure and detoxify our bodies when we can the best we can and as often as possible. Sweating in a relaxed state is a great way to detoxify the body from environmental contaminants.


I hope this really helps you feel better, try not to worry too much because that can amplify stress levels resulting in negative effects on overall health. Always do your best to stay positive and believe in yourself. The answer to healing your body will come to you naturally; it's a long beautiful road of self discovery and the journey is truly worth taking - embrace it with all your heart.

Also keep in mind that the body naturally detoxifies heavy metals and environmental contaminants/toxins provided you don't put more in than you take out (remember the human body has a threshold of how many toxins it can handle, and after it reaches it toxic peak disease starts to creep in) it’s important to limit our exposure to toxins as much as we can. It's also wise to boost natural levels of Glutathione and Superoxide Dismutase to protect your cells from free radical damage, environmental toxins, and radiation.

This video will help Educate you how to boost your Glutathione and Superoxide Dismutase to protect your body from toxins and radiation by Arthur Haines:

The next videos will also help you learn how to detoxify your body Naturally without taking any pills or supplements.

How to Keep Radiation Out of Your Body - A Two Part Strategy with Daniel Vitalis:

A Simple, Inexpensive at Home Radiation Remedy with Daniel Vitalis: 

Please research about foods that may contain heavy metals, and avoid or limit foods that are contaminated with heavy metals like Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury. A great example of this is food colorings like Yellow No.5 and No.6, Blue No.1 & No. 2, Green No. 3, Orange B, Citrus Red No. 3, FD&C Red no. 40. Keep in mind that industrial pesticides contain heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, led, ect. It's important to eat wild gathered plants, organic foods, combined with pastured and wild animal products/foods. Grow your own foods in the sun (the sun will give your food ample Vitamin D to help you prevent chronic diseases, extend your natural lifespan and to build stronger muscles.) Did you know that it takes 48 hours for your body to absorb the Vitamin D that you get from the sun, so if you shower on a daily basis you are actually washing away most of the Essential Vitamin D that your body needs. As a rule, it's best to shower every three days to make sure you're absorbing your Vitamin D from the sun.

Try your best to consume wild foods and support your local farmers. Always be conscious of your diet and what you put on your skin. Many skin products contain petrochemicals that can damage and age your skin, and they absorb directly into the blood stream causing damage to the tissues and the cells. 

Drink the best water you have access to (try to avoid water in plastic because some plastics contain Bisphenol A (BPA) make plastics hard and Phthalates make plastics soft, some common chemicals cause profound and permanent damage to growing bodies. These chemicals greatly reduce sperm counts in males leading to infertility. Some synthetic chemicals can block Testosterone in the body resulting in permanent damage to the sexual development of male children. Most plastics have estrogen mimicking chemicals, so when the light and heat hits those bottles the estrogen mimicking chemicals are released in the water you are drinking and your body understands it as estrogen. High levels of estrogen in the body can fuel tumor growth. Avoid plastics with the #7 on the bottom of the bottle because it contains Bisphenol A (BPA) that causes endocrine system disruption. It's best to avoid plastics when possible. Gather and store your water and the food you eat in glass containers because all plastics lead a to slow decline in overall health because of the toxic chemicals they are made of that contaminate the food and the drinks we consume on a daily basis.


PVC vinyl contains a Phthalate called DEHP that effects stages of development on the human reproductive system. DEHP is used in medical devices like intravenous tubing, catheters and blood bags. DEHP can leach from the vinyl ending up in the bodies of children and adults.

Bisphenol A is the raw material for widely used plastics, like DVD’s and Baby Bottles. Bisphenol A (BPA) is very Dangerous especially for developing children. BPA behaves like Estrogen in the human body and overtime may fuel tumor growth. BPA is a manmade Endocrine Disrupting Chemical, and a Synthetic Estrogen that has been tested to interfere with important body systems like the development of the brain and pancreas of babies. It interferes with critical body systems.

DRINK WATER OUT OF GLASS = HEALTHY BODY. Companies who put their Products in Glass generally care more about your Overall Health. I SUPPORT WATER IN GLASS!!!

I would like to include a very important documentary video on the dangers of plastics and their ingredients, WHERE HAVE ALL THE BOYS GONE?

"A link to a good documentary on the dangers of plastics and their ingredients. Here are three things that are of interest: (1) Bisphenol A (BPA) was used in the 1930's for estrogen replacement (i.e., the chemical industry knew it mimicked estrogen long before they put in in plastic that would hold liquids); (2) over 90% of government and independently funded studies show BPA causes endocrine disruption and is harmful to people, especially males, whereas not a single chemical industry funded study shows harm; and (3) our FDA uses whatever studies they have access to in order to determine the safety of a chemical (including studies funded by the industry that manufactures and/or utilizes the chemical). This documentary is short, free for the viewing, and well worth the watch." Written by my Favorite Author and Dear Friend ~Arthur Haines

 In the Videos below, you will Learn the proper ways to process and prepare Chaga for using as a Tea by Wild Food Expert, Botanist and Arthur Haines. Arthur holds a Bachelors in Wildlife Management and a Masters in Botony and Plant Pathology. He is my true Friend, a Natural Healer, and Inspirational teacher for anyone and everyone seeking Greater Overall Health. 

Arthur Haines Published and AMAZING Book Titled:

Ancestral Plants: A Primitive Skills Guide to Important Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Plants of the Northeast. Volume 1. 

I highly recommend this Book for anyone Interested in Learning How to Survive in the Wild and Heal yourself with Natural Medicines from Mother Earth.

Arthur Haines chaga conservation part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=liMo7Q_U-YA

Arthur Haines chaga conservation part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=phdMiOAG_jM

Please Sign up for a Class taught by Arthur Haines: www.arthurhaines.com/learn.html

Purchase Books written by Arthur Haines: www.arthurhaines.com/purchase.html

To learn more about how estrogen effects our bodies please watch the following video by Sean from Underground Wellness

How to Filter your Shower Water: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1k7ktvEkVw

Keeping your estrogen levels balances is very important. This advice is for both men and women. You don't want your estrogen levels to stay high because too much estrogen in the body can fuel tumor growth. It's also important to get plenty of cardiovascular exercise (later in the afternoon after your body has a chance to wake up, I generally exercise later in the afternoon never in the morning.) Exercise and rest are both very important to maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Be sure to get plenty of Healthy Fats in your Diet from www.USWellnessMeats.com or better yet your Local Environment (locally sourced foods) and Foods from the Farmers Market, and your Local Farms. The body works best when it’s burning fat not sugar. The general rule I follow it to do my best by limiting my sugar intake to 100 grams per day (withing 24 hours). How much sugar you consume will depend on your size and body weight, some people require more sugar than others. AVOID eliminating natural sugars from your diet, they are essential to life. The sugars I recommend to cut down are highly refined sugars, and highly processed foods. Keep in mind that your liver converts breads (like pizza) and whole grains like wheat, barley, rye into sugar. On the other hand, your body absorbs whole fruit sugars at different rates because the whole fruits you consume contain fiber within it's whole fruiting bodies. When fruits and foods contain fiber, the fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugar, making easier for your body to work properly. Fiber helps prevent spikes in your blood sugar keeping your body balanced and healthy. The best ways to eat foods that convert into simple sugars "example: glucose" are to eat them in their natural form. Whole foods and fermented foods are an excellent source of nutrition. I try to keep my sugar intake to about 100 grams per day, sometimes it goes above 100 grams or below depending on my food path and the yearly season. For example: in the summer, I consume a lot of fruits and veggies that are in season, therefore my sugar intake is much higher in the summer than in the fall and winter seasons because I eat a generous amount of fruits. The healthiest way to stay healthy is to always eat foods that are season from your local environment. It's also very important to keep your good healthy bacteria populated by eating fermented foods!!! Good bacteria in the gut helps digest your food, keep you healthy and young, helps you fight off pathogens like bacteria, fungal overgrowth, and viruses. Good healthy bacteria  (lactobacillus acidophilus in Latin meaning acid-loving milk-bacterium) is excellent for overall health. It protects your body from harmful pathogens, and helps you maintain great levels energy. The good bacteria "probiotics" are essential to keep your body in balance and help prevent candida albicans yeast overgrowth.

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Get your Perfect Pickler at www.PerfectPickler.com

Candida Albicans: A yeast-like fungal organism found in small amounts in the normal human intestinal tract. Normally kept in check by the body's own helpful bacteria, candida. albicans can increase in numbers when this balance is disturbed to cause candidiasis of the intestinal tract, or yeast infections of other parts of the body. candida albicans causes thrush. Also called monilia albicans.


Get your Perfect Pickler at www.PerfectPickler.com


This Filter also works amazingly to getting Chlorine out of your Water!

This is the one I use: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1k7ktvEkVw

Discover the Health Benefits of WILD CHAGA by Dr. Cass Ingram: 

More information on CHAGA: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lMs7iuY704

I would also like to share some wonderful Information from Dr. Cass Ingram, the Health Hunter. Learn how to HEAL yourself with Dr. Cass Ingram, his work is AMAZING!!!


Click on the Books Tab and See all the Healing Books he's Published: 



To learn about Chaga Mushroom please watch this AMAZING VIDEO by Dr. Cass Ingram about Chaga!!!

The Cure is in The Forest: The Medicinal Powers of Wild Chaga: 

Videos About Chaga and How to Prepare it by Arthur Haines

Arthur Haines chaga conservation part 1

Arthur Haines chaga conservation part 2

Chaga Hunt with the Health Hunter

Dr. Cass Ingram on Chaga

The Healing Properties of Chaga with Daniel Vitalis #185

Stalking the Wild Chaga Mushroom with Daniel Vitalis 1/2

4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0V2yuvuCWw


Mariana Roberts is NOT a medical doctor and does not take any responsibility in the use or misuse of any of the information or any other form of media on this note. All the information in this note is offered as-is, for informational purposes ONLY. Much of the information here, although medically referenced, exists outside the realm of conventional, accepted medical practice. The user of this information assumes all risks for its use or misuse. In no event shall the writer of this note or any other person or entity involved in the production of this information be held liable for any damages stemming from the use or misuse of this information. Your continued reading of this note indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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