Starry Moon Bison Liver Dinner by Mariana Roberts 

Thank you Arthur Haines for teaching me about the Healthy benefits of B Vitamins in found in Raw Liver

Recipe: Raw Bison Liver, Organic Red Onions, Organic Celery (with Little Celery Moons) Star Fruit for the Stars, Amy's Honey Mustard to help Boost Natural Glutathione.

Organic Spices & Herbs + Salt and Pepper used to make the Dinner: All spices are made by Simply Organic: Paprika, Sage, All Purpose Seasoning, Turmeric, Rosemary, Thyme, a pinch of Cinnamon, Ground Pepper, Cayanne Pepper Spice, and Pink Himalayan Rock Salt. 

Over the past week I had a few health issues; last night at the grocery store my body temperature really dropped in the warm section of the store. I was shivering while wearing a big winter coat and hat, i felt dizzy, had terrible muscle spasms in my feet. All week it was nothing but runny stools, feeling dizzy lightheaded and tummy pain (no matter what i ate, I still had runny stools). I thought to myself what could be wrong with me, do i have a bug, why do i feel so much pain suddenly, so much weakness and feeling lightheaded. Today, I got to thinking and came up with a Dinner Plan!!! I haven't had much Seafood (only a little) and have not had Raw Liver in a while (Raw Liver is Loaded with B Vitamins) So i decided to prepare some Raw Liver for dinner; there is a special way to prepare liver to make it irresistible while it's still RAW it's like eating candy, it melts in your mouth, so delicious and filled with vitamins. 

Raw Liver "is the original vitamin pill. Animals store fat-soluble vitamins in their liver (and some water-soluble ones too). It is so nutrient dense some cultures believed it was the seat of the soul (not the heart)" this quote is written by Arthur Haines - Master Botanist, Author, Teacher and Nutrition Expert from the State of

It turned out to be a Magical Dinner, a gift from the Great Universe. Thank you so much dearest Starry Moon Bison for giving your life to nourish and heal my body, I bow down to you and give you thanks you with all my Heart for healing me, you gave your life to nourish my body and soul. Thank you ♥ I feel so much Healthier, truly Alive!!! My body told me that I was so low in B-Vitamins and by listening to my body I was able to tell something was wrong. 

A lesson from the wisdom of ages: Listen to your body, we all have an amazing ability to heal ourselves and the power is within us; it may take many years to tune in and understand the messages your body is sending you, be patient. Our bodies tell us so much about what is brewing on the inside. Always listen and pay close attention to reactions by taking notice if you have any kind of pain.

Pain = Inflammation somewhere in the Body: Love your Body, Respect your Body, Listen to your Body, and it will return the favor by always be Good to you.

P. S. The Ginger on the plate will be used to make a Ginger and Lemon Tea.

Thank you,

Many Blessings and Love to Everyone

~Mariana Roberts


Mariana Roberts is NOT a medical doctor and does not take any responsibility in the use or misuse of any of the information or any other form of media on this note. All the information in this note is offered as-is, for informational purposes ONLY. Much of the information here, although medically referenced, exists outside the realm of conventional, accepted medical practice. The user of this information assumes all risks for its use or misuse. In no event shall the writer of this note or any other person or entity involved in the production of this information be held liable for any damages stemming from the use or misuse of this information. Your continued reading of this note indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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