Why are Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamps so Healing

Attention all hard working Photographers and people working on or around Electronic Devices, this is an Incredible and Healing plan for you! Please spread the Great News about Himalayan Natural Crystal  Salt Lamps!!!

Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamps

Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamps give off negatively charged ions that work as a natural air purifier, they kill bacteria, remove dust, allergens, smoke, odors, and mold spores from the air, they also eliminate EMFs. Salt lamps will purify your home and offset the EMF's

What is an EMF?

EMF stands for Electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs, and invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation, that take the form of waves.

Learn about EMF's and how to protect yourself and your family from EMF's at the following link: 


I would like to send you three videos about Himalayan Natural Salt Lamps. Please take the time to see these incredible videos they will demonstrate  the true healing powers of Natural Salt Lamps. The Salt Lamps are very affordable you can purchase a Pyramid Shape one or a Rock Shape and even Circle Shaped Lamps. I purchased my big Rock Shaped one at the Fayetteville Wegmans in Dewitt NY it cost $39.99 for the biggest one they had in the store and it covers a large room. It's truly the most important investment a Photographer, and anyone working on electronic devices can make in their Health.

Videos About Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamps

Crystal Real Salt Lamps Introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrJMOuz9AQA

The Salt Lamps ability to Naturally Heal the body: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiXYsSeYrWg

Large Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DBvRuus6Aw

Please take the time to watch the videos above they are short and very informative, they will improve the air quality in your home, release negatively charged ions into the atmosphere offsetting EMS's, and protect you and your family from EMF Radiation.
Please tell everyone about these Healing Lamps. The Salt Lamps will help many people feel better, breathe better, and help them purify the air in their homes. As a result you may feel less tired and sluggish after working many hours on the computer, laptop, i pad, i phone ect.


Mariana Roberts is NOT a medical doctor and does not take any responsibility in the use or misuse of any of the information or any other form of media on this note. All the information in this note is offered as-is, for informational purposes ONLY. Much of the information here, although medically referenced, exists outside the realm of conventional, accepted medical practice. The user of this information assumes all risks for its use or misuse. In no event shall the writer of this note or any other person or entity involved in the production of this information be held liable for any damages stemming from the use or misuse of this information. Your continued reading of this note indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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